Ricerca e innovazione per il settore bancario

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L'OSSIMORO DEL DIGITAL BANKING: più vicino al cliente da lontano!

Scopri i risultati del Rapporto 2024 dell'Osservatorio Digital Banking di ABI Lab

Leonidas - Nuova fase di sperimentazione

Il Progetto ABI - ABI Lab selezionato dalla BCE

Rapporto CERTFin 2024 - Sicurezza e frodi informatiche in banca

Come prevenire e contrastare attacchi informatici e frodi sui canali digitali


Nel Rapporto ABI Lab 2024 le priorità di investimento e ricerca

Premio ABI Innovazione 2024

Scopri i progetti vincitori

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We bring together banks, companies and institutions so as to develop and spread innovation in banking and financial industry

Asset Publisher

Areas of Research

Areas of Research

We conduct research with the aim of identifying innovative technologies and systems that can be used in the banking world, to improve processes, operations and services and make the models for managing relations and interacting between banks and customers even more efficient and advanced.

Areas of Research

Areas of Research

We conduct research with the aim of identifying innovative technologies and systems that can be used in the banking world, to improve processes, operations and services and make the models for managing relations and interacting between banks and customers even more efficient and advanced.

Asset Publisher

Asset Publisher

Contatore partners ripetibile HP

0 Innovation
0 Tavoli di
lavoro attivi

Nested Applications

Asset Publisher


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