Operations in banca: dal backoffice alle attività core



The Operations Monitoring Centre analyses the processes associated with the banks’ core business, encouraging the sharing of ideas and views among the heads of department on organisational, operational and technological topics and the sharing of success stories so as to identify opportunities for improvement.

The Operations Monitoring Centre analyses the processes associated with the banks’ core business, encouraging the sharing of ideas and views among the heads of department on organisational, operational and technological topics and the sharing of success stories so as to identify opportunities for improvement.

The activity makes progress with a methodological programme whose aim is to identify a shared Operations management dashboard model; a benchmark analysis is also conducted on certain specific back-office processes, gradually extending the perimeter of monitored processes.

Contenuto Banner di Lancio

Asset Publisher


Rapporto Operations 2023 - Value Driven Operations: un nuovo centro di valore per la banca
Rapporto Operations 2023 - Value Driven Operations: un nuovo centro di valore per la banca
Rapporto Operations 2022 - Strategie, industrializzazione e supporto al Business
Rapporto Operations 2022 - Strategie, industrializzazione e supporto al Business
Rapporto Operations 2021 - La nuova era delle Operations
Rapporto Operations 2021 - La nuova era delle Operations
Rapporto Operations 2020 - Operations (Re)evolution
Rapporto Operations 2020 - Operations (Re)evolution

Asset Publisher

All Reports

Report 2019
Rapporto Operations 2019 - Verso l'innovazione, monitorando la rotta
Report 2018
Rapporto Back Office 2018. Operations: altro che back office!
Report 2017
Rapporto Back Office 2017. Operations 4.0: tra innovazione, robotica e processi.

Asset Publisher


Research document 2021
Oss. Operations in banca - Tavolo COO 2021
Le priorità strategiche di ABI Lab e le linee evolutive della ricerca • Le priorità ICT per le banche italiane e l’impatto del COVID-19 • Il percorso evolutivo delle Operations e l’azione di ABI Lab • Le macro iniziative di trasformazione e l’impatto sulle Operations
Research document 2020
Oss. Operations in banca - Kick off 2020-2021
Temi di approfondimento e configurazione dell'analisi di benchmark