Standard fondi e operatività nel risparmio gestito

Standard Fondi

Standard Fondi

The Operations and Fund Standards Monitoring Centre features the implementation of standards in the processes of subscribing, refunding and transferring units in investment funds with a focus on developing operations (operations on funds) and developing and maintaining technical standards.

The Operations and Fund Standards Monitoring Centre features the implementation of standards in the processes of subscribing, refunding and transferring units in investment funds with a focus on developing operations (operations on funds) and developing and maintaining technical standards.

The scope of the Monitoring Centre’s analysis is based on observing and ongoing sharing of views and ideas with participants with regard to developments in the landscape of operations arising from regulatory factors and from new market dynamics.

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All Reports

Report 2016
Rapporto Operatività e Standard Fondi 2016 - L’evoluzione dell’operatività fondi tra nuovi processi e adozione di standard

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