CERTFin - Osservatorio Sicurezza e Frodi Informatiche



CERTFin – CERT Finanziario Italiano is a public-private initiative aimed at increasing the cyber risk management capacity and cyber resilience of the Italian financial system by providing operational and strategic support with actions geared to preventing, preparing for and responding to cyber attacks and security incidents.

CERTFin – CERT Finanziario Italiano is a public-private initiative aimed at increasing the cyber risk management capacity and cyber resilience of the Italian financial system by providing operational and strategic support with actions geared to preventing, preparing for and responding to cyber attacks and security incidents.



It is governed by the Bank of Italy and ABI (Italian Banking Association) and is run by ABI Lab; representatives from the insurance sector (IVASS and ANIA) and the financial sector (Consob) are included in the governance structure.

CERTFin is open to all Italian banking and financial sector operators. These include: payment service providers, banking and financial intermediaries, insurance companies, market infrastructure managers, service centres and providers of technological services for payment systems. The activities are developed on a cooperative basis for the benefit of all those taking part.




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