AI Hub: gruppo di lavoro dedicato all'intelligenza artificiale



AI Hub is a centre of expertise in Artificial Intelligence, whose members include teams of experts, ICT partner companies and research bodies and institutions, with the aim of encouraging programmes for the adoption of AI by the banking world.

AI Hub is a centre of expertise in Artificial Intelligence, whose members include teams of experts, ICT partner companies and research bodies and institutions, with the aim of encouraging programmes for the adoption of AI by the banking world.
There are three main themes of activity: research on technologies and applications, monitoring the legislative landscape, promotion of experimentation. 
The key elements for developing the Hub include the partnership with the Associazione Italiana per l’Intelligenza Artificiale (AIxIA) and internationalisation, through the development of relations with European networks and taking part in the programmes organised by the European Banking Federation and the European Commission, such as Infinitech, which brings together 42 partners from 14 European countries. 

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